About me

Kakki-Green-Kakarikii-Landscape-Design-I have grown up surrounded by gardeners of different generations, seeing the pleasure plants and gardens give to people and the role they play in a family’s life. Plants offer so much; eating picking, playing, fragrance, colour, texture and form. Gardens are multi-purposed; for family, friends, pets, play and entertainment.

I have a background in Science and Biology, which has given me an extensive understanding of how plants, particularly native ones, have evolved to thrive in the different microclimates the Wellington region offers. The elements in a garden – plants, animals, soil, climate are interconnected, hugely influencing each other so they need to be looked at as a whole in the design. My Diploma in Landscape Design has allowed me to appreciate what I knew and has taught me much about good design, hard landscaping and how to present my work in CAD drawings.

Although our concept of a garden keeps changing, gardens have become more essential than ever. As well as continuing to provide their traditional role they are a buffer to the pace of busy lifestyles where good design can produce a garden area that meets our immediate needs and gives us a place for relaxation, privacy and calm.

Jakki Green, Kakariki Landscape Design
BSc Dip. Landscape Design